The Lewin Family Virtual, Interactive Year-end Letter - 2023 ©

Back by little is The Lewin Family Virtual, Interactive

Year-end, Letter for 2023, our 27th year!!!


Can you believe it?  We have been doing this for more than a quarter of a century,

25 plus years; an entire generation.

And the most amazing thing is that you are still reading these. (Bless your heart)

{You can view previous letters here}



First off and most importantly, we are no longer hoarding rolls of toilet paper, just an ample, well, more than ample supply of that and other items.


Carol remains active in horticulture and all things related. She continued her employment at the Carlsbad Flower Fields where she not only picks the best of the best Giant Tecolote Ranunculus for breeding, but also trains others to follow in her muddy footsteps.


In the demonstration garden of the Flower Fields, she maintains another small garden, as well as sharing a small plot at the local community garden where she and Gail harvest veggies for the dinner table and her own overgrown garden in the back yard.


She is now a dues paying member of two garden clubs, the San Dieguito Garden Club and the San Diego Garden Guild and maintains her active status as a Master Gardener..


She shed nearly 50 pounds and now has to run around in the shower to get wet. She fine tunes her slender body by working out with Carolyn doing body pumps. 


She maintains her monthly interest in two book clubs and participates in stimulating conversation, that apparently gets more stimulating as the evenings wear on.


Then there is the weekly Mahjong with friends where the betting runs wild. Sadly, her winnings (if any) will not enable me to retire any time soon.


She continues (Oh Lordy, I’m tired of listing all her activities) to usher at the Old Globe Theatre and the La Jolla Playhouse.


She attends knitting retreats with her friend Cathy around the world and in between that travelling has knitted baby blankets, hats and sweaters for her friend’s grandchildren and our new granddaughter, Louise.


Me? I am still working, sometimes in person to Minneapolis and Sacramento and recently, virtually to Oklahoma.


We took two major trips this year, Kenya and Tanzania and then thoroughly enjoyed pizza and wine in Sicily, the Amalfi Coast and Naples.


African pictures.


Sicilian, Amalfi and Naples pictures.  (All pictures are now uploaded)


We celebrated Bubba’s (Archer’s) third birthday in Aspen and on July 4th we were treated to a ride in an Aspen Fire Department’s brush rig for the annual parade with Anthony as our chauffer. Pictures.


We continue to track Archer’s progress vis his Instagram account and almost all of his pictures are here.


Being the weather nerd, I remind you we have mounted a weather station on our roof.  It still works and you are reminded to check the conditions here at home.


Be well, do good work and keep in touch.